Anyone is one accident away from a life of pain. Join us today by making a donation.
Anyone is one accident away from a life of pain. Join us today by making a donation.
After pre-qualification, the needs of each client are assessed. Our Advocacy Program Team then goes into action to provide appropriate services.
As funding allows, applications for services are reviewed based on certain criteria. Then funds may be provided to cover a portion of care for a qualified applicant.
We develop training materials to help those with chronic or intractable pain self-advocate and safely manange medications.
Our Mission Statement: American Pain & Disability Foundation is fighting for the right to have Quality of Life with trust, care and thoughtfulness.
Everyone is one accident away from needing pain management... Please join us today.
Our amazing team is committed to helping others. APDF is a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for people suffering with rare pain diseases and to educating the pain patient.
Do you have a unique talent or skill set? Come join our team as we educate and advocate for the marginalized and abandoned pain patient. We are expanding our child and adult advocacy programs. Contact our staff at 833-554-7246 to volunteer.
Remember, a nonprofit is only as strong as the community that supports it. Together, we need to educate our communities of healthy individuals on the struggles of living with painful diseases. Once the public understands the difficulties, they can join us in support and help in the battle of returning pain management to the medical professionals. Let’s unite our efforts because together we can win.
1075 Broad Ripple Avenue Ste 389, Indianapolis Indiana 46220
833-554-7246 for more information.